Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hard Rock

 From what I understood, Hard Rock was a bad guy, so he underwent a lobotomy to try to change that. Everyone thought it was a success since he stopped doing bad things, when really it mentally impaired him. This poem had to have taken place a long time ago because people do not get lobotomies anymore I don't think. We can concur that the consequences of them and that they do not work. I use to actually want to work with the criminally insane until my sociology professor that I took in high school told me that she worked part time with the mentally insane at Poplar Springs and she has to work every other week or it will drive her insane. Her stories were fascinating though! It almost seems pointless to us now that they actually thought they were helping people by doing that all those procedures. But in the poem everyone of the inmates looked up to him and say that he had the attitude where he didn't get stepped on or I guess you could say didn't "take crap" from anyone. They looked up to him because none of them would bring themselves to have that attitude or mindset. But when he comes back in the end they see that he's changed and wasn't that person they once looked up too. They lost hope I guess you'd say. 

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