Thursday, April 25, 2013

Taking a different road

 "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost, is a poem of a man who is stuck between two "roads" I guess you could say or "choices" in his life and is not quite sure which one to take.  Each path has its ups and downs and he is alone on this choice.  In the end,  he takes the riskier one, or  "the one less traveled" as it says in it. It shows emphasis on taking the "one less traveled" because most would take the obvious path, the one others have journeyed down. Taking the other path shows courage and accepting the new beginnings and difficulties that come along with it. Although it does not say whether that difference is good or bad, I feel like it was the one that was the right choice to him.  But I guess no matter which road you take in life it will somehow effect you along the way but that is how you learn to overcome things. This poem really showed that taking a different path could be okay.

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